Open Inventor Toolkit provides multiple unique features for Medical, Dental, and Oil & Gas applications, allowing you to save time, leverage investments, and solve complex challenges.
Be on the cutting edge of innovation with hundreds of features fitting your needs
Client-side Rendering Halo Highlighting Viewing Cube Scene Orbiter
Medical & Dental:
Physically Based Shading Multimodal Imaging Automatic Dental Panoramic Center Line Extraction Clipping & Cropping DTI rendering Geometry Combination Magnifier Min, Max & Average intensity projection MPR capabilities Nerve Marking Rigid Registration Shader Framework Transfer Function ManagementHigh-Quality Shadows Slice rendering Surface rendering Volume rendering Advanced image processing and analysis Volume Editing 2D & 3D Selection Medical Compass Node ( Gnomon) Magic Glass Capping Plane Cloud of points Segmentation Watershed Segmentation Threshold Collision Detection Isosurface Extraction Shadows Anatomical Views ROI VolumeAxis Dicom reader
Oil & Gas:
Wavelet compression OSDU Volume Probe Horizon (Height Field) Horizon Probe SEG-Y Reader GPU Reservoir Probing Well Log 2DLarge Seismic Post-stack 3D Data Ray casting Volume Rendering Seismic Generic Probe Seismic Slice Probe Seismic Well Probe Seismic Interpretation Horizons RGBA Coblending Probe GeoBody Rendering Structured Reservoir Visualization Unstructured Reservoir Visualization Reservoir Slab Reservoir Skin Reservoir Fence Slice Reservoir Planar Slice Cell Filtering Cell Edges Fading Reservoir Property Iso-Surface Grid Streamlines Grid Vector Glyphs GPU Reservoir Probing Well Log 3D Lathe 3D Billboard Annotation HTML5 Remote Rendering H.264 Image Streaming Compression