
Download demos.

Open Inventor download demos are a set of small example programs showcasing the use of specific features of the Open Inventor 3D development tools for various applications. These programs may be available as a standalone demo package or bundled with the Open Inventor SDK installation (see options below).
The standalone demo package is a smaller download but does not include all the SDK files needed to build Open Inventor application programs. In both cases the programs are provided as pre-built executables that can be run without setting up an Open Inventor development environment. A demo browser tool is included that allows you to interactively view sample images and launch individual demos. Source files and project files are provided for all the example programs (but require an Open Inventor SDK installation to build). The User’s Guide and API documentation for Open Inventor can be viewed on our Developer Zone website.

If you are working in the medical market, we recommend downloading the medical demo package or Open Inventor Medical Edition. The Open Inventor Standard SDK includes example programs for other markets including oil and gas, mining and engineering.

To download the demos, please complete the request form below:

Medical demos for .NET Medical demos for C++ All other demos

Coming soon.

You do not need the Open Inventor SDK to run the demos. You need to install the Open Inventor .NET SDK if you wish to rebuild the demos.

Select Open Inventor Medical Edition C++

These demos are bundled with the Open Inventor Medical Edition SDK.

Select Open Inventor C++ or .NET or Java

These demos are bundled with the Open Inventor Standard SDK.


Please provide an email address that shows your industrial or academic affiliation. FEI does not necessarily grant access to the download links when the request is sent from a personal e-mail address (,, etc.).