
Open Inventor 9.6 now available!

05 Oct 2015

Open Inventor 9.6 has been released.  The latest version 9.6 of the Open Inventor toolkit was released on October 5th for all platforms.  You can read the technical information about this product release:

Release Notes | Compatibility Notes | List of Fixed Bugs

In a glance...

Public release: Oct 6th, 2015

Open Inventor 9.6 brings new features and improved performance in many of the Open Inventor extensions. Here are just a few examples:

In VolumeViz:

The “voxel outline” feature has been extended to slice rendering and medical applications will see improved performance when dynamically changing the visible data range.

open inventor, Voxels Outline Color

All enhancements in VolumeViz →

In MeshViz XLM:

MeshViz XLM C++ can now display a “fence slice” (set of connected plane slices), while MeshViz XLM Java gets improved performance and more extractions for non-indexed (vertex based) hexahedron IJK meshes commonly used for reservoir models.

 inventor, Skin extraction on VertexHexahedronIJK optimizations

All enhancements in MeshViz XLM →

In RemoteViz:

RemoteViz can now stream images using up to 75% less bandwidth and be used with render engines other than Open Inventor.

Bandwidth usage decreased, open inventor, remoteviz

All enhancements in RemoteViz →

In ImageViz:

ImageViz now supports asynchronous filter execution with the option to send begin, end and progress events to the application.

All enhancements in ImageViz →