public class SoTransform extends SoTransformation
File format/default:
Transform {
translation | 0 0 0 |
rotation | 0 0 1 0 |
scaleFactor | 1 1 1 |
scaleOrientation | 0 0 1 0 |
center | 0 0 0 |
Action behavior:
, SoCallbackAction
, SoGetBoundingBoxAction
, SoRayPickAction
Accumulates transformation into the current transformation. Sets: SoModelMatrixElement
Returns the matrix corresponding to the total transformation.
See also:
, SoResetTransform
, SoRotation
, SoRotationXYZ
, SoScale
, SoTransformManip
, SoTransformSeparator
, SoTranslation
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
SoSFVec3f |
Origin for scale and rotation.
SoSFRotation |
Rotation specification.
SoSFVec3f |
Scale factors.
SoSFRotation |
Rotational orientation for scale.
SoSFVec3f |
Translation vector.
Constructor and Description |
Creates a transformation node with default settings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
combineLeft(SoTransformation nodeOnLeft)
Convenience function that combines the effects of another transformation node into the current transformation stored in this node.
void |
combineRight(SoTransformation nodeOnRight)
Convenience function that combines the effects of another transformation node into the current transformation stored in this node.
SbMatrix[] |
Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to rotation space (the space after the scale and rotation).
SbMatrix[] |
Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to scale space (the space after the scale).
SbMatrix[] |
Returns composite matrix that transforms from object space to translation space (the space after scale, rotation, and translation).
void |
multLeft(SbMatrix mat)
Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
void |
multRight(SbMatrix mat)
Convenience function that combines the effects of a matrix transformation into the current transformation stored in this node.
void |
pointAt(SbVec3f fromPoint,
SbVec3f toPoint)
Sets the node to translate the origin to the fromPoint and rotate the negative z-axis (0,0,-1) to lie on the vector from fromPoint to toPoint .
void |
recenter(SbVec3f newCenter)
Changes the center of the transformation to the given point without affecting the overall effect of the transformation.
void |
setMatrix(SbMatrix mat)
Sets the fields in the node to implement the transformation represented by the given matrix.
affectsState, callback, copy, copy, distribute, doAction, getAlternateRep, getBoundingBox, getByName, getMatrix, getPrimitiveCount, getRenderEngineMode, getRenderUnitID, GLRender, GLRenderBelowPath, GLRenderInPath, GLRenderOffPath, grabEventsCleanup, grabEventsSetup, handleEvent, isBoundingBoxIgnoring, isOverride, pick, rayPick, search, setOverride, touch, write
copyFieldValues, copyFieldValues, enableNotify, fieldsAreEqual, get, getAllFields, getEventIn, getEventOut, getField, getFieldName, hasDefaultValues, isNotifyEnabled, set, setToDefaults
dispose, getName, isDisposable, isSynchronizable, setName, setSynchronizable
public final SoSFVec3f translation
public final SoSFRotation rotation
public final SoSFVec3f scaleFactor
public final SoSFRotation scaleOrientation
public final SoSFVec3f center
public SoTransform()
public void multLeft(SbMatrix mat)
public SbMatrix[] getTranslationSpaceMatrix()
public void pointAt(SbVec3f fromPoint, SbVec3f toPoint)
public void setMatrix(SbMatrix mat)
public SbMatrix[] getScaleSpaceMatrix()
public void combineRight(SoTransformation nodeOnRight)
public void multRight(SbMatrix mat)
public void combineLeft(SoTransformation nodeOnLeft)
public void recenter(SbVec3f newCenter)
public SbMatrix[] getRotationSpaceMatrix()
Generated on July 31, 2019, Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific. All rights reserved.