public class SoLinearProfile extends SoProfile
. The index field indexes into the current profile coordinates (specified in an SoProfileCoordinate2
or SoProfileCoordinate3
node). If the last value of the index field is SO_LINEAR_PROFILE_USE_REST_OF_VERTICES (-1), all remaining coordinates in the current coordinates will be used, starting with the coordinate after the previous index (all coordinates will be used if SO_LINEAR_PROFILE_USE_REST_OF_VERTICES is the only value in the index field). For example, if index contains the values [2,0,-1] and there are 4 profile coordinates (0-3), it is as if the index field contains [2,0,1,2,3].
Note: Trimmed NURBS are correctly displayed only if an outer boundary is defined (must have counterclockwise orientation).
File format/default:
LinearProfile {
index | 0 |
linkage | START_FIRST |
Action behavior:
, SoRayPickAction
, SoCallbackAction
Adds a profile to the current state.
See also:
Constructor and Description |
Creates a linear profile node with default settings.
affectsState, callback, copy, copy, distribute, doAction, getAlternateRep, getBoundingBox, getByName, getMatrix, getPrimitiveCount, getRenderEngineMode, getRenderUnitID, GLRender, GLRenderBelowPath, GLRenderInPath, GLRenderOffPath, grabEventsCleanup, grabEventsSetup, handleEvent, isBoundingBoxIgnoring, isOverride, pick, rayPick, search, setOverride, touch, write
copyFieldValues, copyFieldValues, enableNotify, fieldsAreEqual, get, getAllFields, getEventIn, getEventOut, getField, getFieldName, hasDefaultValues, isNotifyEnabled, set, setToDefaults
dispose, getName, isDisposable, isSynchronizable, setName, setSynchronizable
Generated on July 31, 2019, Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific. All rights reserved.