public class SoIndexedTriangleSet extends SoIndexedShape
field (from SoVertexShape
), or the current inherited state. For optimal performance, the vertexProperty
field is recommended.
uses the indices in the coordIndex field (from SoIndexedShape
) to specify the vertices of the triangles. Each triangle is specified by three indices. Unlike SoIndexedFaceSet
(for example) no -1 values are needed or allowed. The number of triangles is the number of indices divided by three.
The vertices of the faces are transformed by the current transformation matrix. The faces are drawn with the current light model and drawing style.
Treatment of the current material and normal binding is as follows: The PER_PART and PER_FACE bindings specify a material or normal for each triangle. PER_VERTEX specifies a material or normal for each vertex. The corresponding _INDEXED bindings are the same, but use the materialIndex
or normalIndex
indices (see SoIndexedShape
). The default material binding is OVERALL. The default normal binding is PER_VERTEX_INDEXED.
If any normals (or materials) are specified, Open Inventor assumes you provided the correct number of them, as indicated by the binding. You will see unexpected results if you specify fewer normals (or materials) than the shape requires. If no normals are specified, they will be generated automatically.
Textures are applied as described for the SoIndexedShape
IndexedFaceSet {
vertexProperty | NULL |
coordIndex | 0 |
materialIndex | -1 |
normalIndex | -1 |
textureCoordIndex | -1 |
Action behavior:
Draws triangles based on the current coordinates, normals, materials, drawing style, and so on.
Picks triangles based on the current coordinates and transformation. Details about the intersection are returned in an SoFaceDetail
Computes the bounding box that encloses all vertices of the face set with the current transformation applied to them. Sets the center to the average of the coordinates of all vertices.
If any triangle callbacks are registered with the action, they will be invoked for each successive triangle generated from each triangle in the set.
See also:
, SoDrawStyle
, SoFaceDetail
, SoTriangleSet
, SoFullSceneAntialiasing
, SoVertexProperty
, SoShapeHints
coordIndex, materialIndex, normalIndex, tangentIndex, textureCoordIndex
Constructor and Description |
Creates an indexed triangle set node with default settings.
getNormalCache, getTangentCache
getShapeType, isPrimitiveRestartAvailable, isPrimitiveRestartAvailable
affectsState, callback, copy, copy, distribute, doAction, getAlternateRep, getBoundingBox, getByName, getMatrix, getPrimitiveCount, getRenderEngineMode, getRenderUnitID, GLRender, GLRenderBelowPath, GLRenderInPath, GLRenderOffPath, grabEventsCleanup, grabEventsSetup, handleEvent, isBoundingBoxIgnoring, isOverride, pick, rayPick, search, setOverride, touch, write
copyFieldValues, copyFieldValues, enableNotify, fieldsAreEqual, get, getAllFields, getEventIn, getEventOut, getField, getFieldName, hasDefaultValues, isNotifyEnabled, set, setToDefaults
dispose, getName, isDisposable, isSynchronizable, setName, setSynchronizable
Generated on July 31, 2019, Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific. All rights reserved.